Outcome Overview
Outcome Overview
Goal #1: Train 21st Century School Librarians
Outcome #1: Develop a curriculum that addresses the unique needs of school librarians that serve in rural communities with high poverty levels, and a high percentage of Native American citizens.
Outcome #2: Provide student support to educate twenty librarians in a tailored program that prepares them to serve in the targeted communities.
Goal #2 Develop and Disseminate K-12 Information Literacy Resources and Research
Outcome #3: Create, and disseminate information literacy instruction modules that address information literacy standards that respond to the unique needs of the targeted students. These resources will systematically address the educational standards specified in Standards for the 21-Century Learner published by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL).
Outcome #4: Provide annual regional conferences and seminars that promote and disseminate research, best practices, resources, and pedagogy for educational improvement of the targeted populations.