Articulation Agreements
Articulation Agreements
Although most students planning to apply to chiropractic, dental, medical, optometry,
osteopathic, pharmacy, podiatry or veterinary medicine programs earn a bachelors degree,
it is possible to apply for admission after three years (94 hours) of college work.
This pathway allows a "3 plus 1" approach, requiring at least 94 semester credit hours
at NSU and up to 30 hours to be transferred from a chiropractic, dental, medical,
optometry, osteopathic, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary program. Please consult
with the pre-health advisor about the 3+1 degree options on the NSU campus.
Chiropractic programs are typically 3 years in length, which allows students to take
advantage of a 3 + 3 articulation, completing their bachelors degree and doctor of
chiropractic medicine in 6 years rather than 7 years. Please visit the homepage of
Northwestern Health Sciences University to learn more about their Chiropractic Medicine program. For more information on
the 3+3 articulation please review the agreement between NWHSU and NSU.