Online Educator Courses 1 and 2
Online Educators Certification
In 2013, Academic Affairs implemented a policy regarding training for all faculty and instructors teaching online and/or blended courses for NSU. CTL was ask to develop and deliver two levels of training to this end. The two parts to the training were developed based on research-based best practices and QM principles. Both courses were piloted on a small group of NSU faculty, and feedback is gathered after each session. Improvements are continually made to these courses based on the constructive feedback provided by those who complete the courses.
To register please fill out the Online Educator Courses and QM Registration Form
An overview of the training can be found below.
Training Overview
OEC 1 - The How To
- OEC 1 training focuses on the "how to" of Blackboard 9.1, Service Pack 11 and up.
- OEC 1 training is REQUIRED for all instructors of online or blended courses.
- OEC 1 training is RECOMMENDED for all instructors regardless of course delivery mode.
- The content in OEC 1 training includes, but is not limited to:
- Dashboard landmarks and course shells
- Creating, editing and managing content areas
- Using assessment tools
- Using communication tools
- Using tools for students who need accommodations
- Using and managing the grade center
- Using the new features in service pack 11 and up
- OEC 1 is an online course with supplemental workshops for those who want extra help.
- OEC 1 has a TEST OUT option for those proficient in how to use Blackboard 9.1. This option involves a series of objectively scored exams.
OEC 2 - The Where, When, and Why
- OEC 2 training focuses on the "where, when and why" to use certain Blackboard tools.
- OEC 2 training is REQUIRED for all instructors of online or blended courses.
- OEC 2 training is RECOMMENDED for all instructors regardless of course delivery mode.
- The content in OEC 2 training includes, but is not limited to using Blackboard to:
- Articulate student learning outcomes
- Align outcomes, course content, and assessment
- Design course content and activities for diverse learners
- Address student accommodation needs
- OEC 2 is an online course.
- OEC 2 has a TEST OUT option for those considered exceptional online instructors. This option involves a review of a portion of an online course that the instructor created and has taught for at least 2 semesters. Information on this TEST OUT option will be out soon.