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Congratulations to these faculty on getting their courses certified by Quality Matters!


"I learned so many things during the QM certification process that were immediately applicable to my courses. This will allow me to give my online students a better learning experience."

-Michelle Farris


"The QM certification process was a valuable opportunity to reflect on the course from a learner's perspective. The focus on alignment, accessibility, and transparency of course materials and activities provides a more consistent experience for the nursing students in this online class."

-Dr. April Trenary


"The QM process pushed me in several areas to improve my online instruction. First, to make the connections between my objectives, activities, and assessments clear for my students. Second, to ensure that all of my course materials were accessible to all learners. Lastly, to think about the how and why behind I would ask my students to engage with a particular piece of content or in a specific activity."

-Dr. Jason Proctor


"Improvement is always possible. The trick is to find the right people and resources to help you, and then to use their help."

-Dr. Arthur Wendorf


"Having my online course Quality Matters certified emphasized the importance of consistency and clarity in online courses. The review process encouraged me to look critically at connections between course expectations and content to strengthen the online experience for students."

-Dr. Maria Gray

Other QM Certifications:

Master_EDUC4823 Master EDUC 4823: TECHNOLOGY & 21st CEN LEARNER - Dr. Jason Proctor

NURS_3003 Professional Nursing Role/ NURS_3003_QM_Review - Dr. April Trenary

Master_Span1113_Elem_SpI  (Span. 1113: Elementary Spanish I - Dr. Arthur Wendorf

Master_SPAN1123_Elem_SP2 - Dr. Arthur Wendorf

UNIV_Strategies_Master - Dr. Arthur Wendorf

Master Shell ORG 3223 Professional Communication - Michelle Farris

SPED 4433 - Dr. Tamra Day

Master_EDUC5273_Motivation - Dr. Kari Henry Hulett

OEC 1 - Dr. Maria Gray

Master_Shell_EDUC5103_Educational_Research - Dr. Maria Gray



How you can get your courses Quality Matters Certified

Did you know that you can meet the content requirements for your discipline, but NOT meet the requirements of C-RAC , HLC, or the other governing bodies for online learning? Quality Matters ensures that you meet those requirements!

Did you know that Quality Matters is simply a certification process and that CTL will ensure your success! All interactions are confidential.

  1. Fill out the form here requesting QM Certification. Provide the CRN of the course you would like to certify. (The course needs to have been taught for two semesters.)
  2. CTL will contact you and ensure you have a QM Rubric workbook.
  3. CTL will make you a master shell in Blackboard, where all work will take place. Reviewers will go into the master shell, not a live course. No student data is retained in the Master Shell.
  4. You will go through your course to check that it fits the rubric making changes as needed. If you have questions or get stuck, CTL will help you.
  5. Let CTL know when you are ready for an Internal Review.
  6. CTL completes an Internal Review.
  7. CTL meets with the Course Representative (you) to go over the results of the Internal Review.
  8. The Course Representative and CTL will make a plan for the adjustments needed before submitting the course to QM for Review.
  9. A timeline will be agreed upon for when the adjustments will be completed.
  10. When adjustments are completed, CTL sets up the review with reviewers.
  11. There will be an initial conference call to start the review. If reviewers have questions during the review (usually about a 3-week time period) they will contact the Course Representative.
  12. When the review is complete, the Course Representative will receive feedback from the Reviewers.  The Reviewers are required to provide multiple suggestions for all of the standards.  These are optional changes, they do not indicate that a course was poorly done.  The purpose is to provide collegial, helpful ideas that could be used in a course.  Their feedback may also include revisions required before a course can be QM Certified. CTL will help you if needed.
  13. The Course Representative has 14 weeks to make the changes and re-submit for certification. 
  14. The Quality Matters Review Team Chair then re-reviews the course after revisions are completed. Once the course has met QM Standards, a certification mark will be provided and the course listed in the QM registry.
  15. Special Note: For courses that have multiple instructors teaching the same course, once the instructor who has designed the course gets it certified, the other instructors can fill out a form showing that they changed the course less than 20% and they can receive the QM Certification mark as well. Contact CTL (918-444-5855 or for more information.
  16. The certification is tied both to the course and the instructor.  Others can’t use the QM cert even if they teach the same course unless a form is filled out and submitted showing that less than 20% of the course has been changed
  17. A Professor who designs the course and submits it for a QM Review should receive the full stipend. If  two Professors design a course and one of them submits it, they should split the stipend. Then, whoever didn’t submit the course should fill out the paperwork so that what they are teaching is also QM certified.