Elk City Regional Adult Learning Center
- Contacts
- Address and Phone
- Locations
- Services Offered
- Programs Used
- Methods Used
- Days and Hours of Operations
- Charges
- Restrictions
Deroy Elledge,
501 N. Oliver
Elk City, OK 73644-4742
Directions: Google Maps
- (580) 225-8644
- (580) 225-4154
Mailing Address:
222 W. Broadway
Elk City, OK 73644-4742
501 N. Oliver
Elk City, OK 73644-4742
Directions: Google Maps
- Adult basic education
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- GED preparation classes
- Family literacy
- TANF (temporary assistance for needy families)
- Work-based education
- Steck-Vaughn materials
- Contemporary Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
- Laubach Fisher-Hill
- One-on-One
- Group
Western Oklahoma Learning Center
- Contacts
- Address and Phone
- Locations
- Services Offered
- Programs Used
- Methods Used
- Days and Hours of Operations
- Charges
- Restrictions
Marlene Harris,
Western Oklahoma Learning Center
1502 W. 8th St.
Elk City, OK 73644-6103
Directions: Google Maps
- (580) 225-3456
- (580) 225-8926
Fax: (580) 225-3607
Western Oklahoma Learning Center
1502 W. 8th St.
Elk City, OK 73644-6103
Directions: Google Maps
- Basic literacy
- All pre-GED life skills
- Job readiness
- English as a Second Language (ESL)
- Family literacy learning
- Disability screening
- Instruction tutor training for basic literacy
- Laubach
- Steck-Vaughn
- Texas Scottish Rite Ed for Adults
- Small Groups
- One-on-One