Immersive Learning - Cherokee and Indigenous Studies
Immersive Learning
The Cherokee and Indigenous Studies department provides a variety of immersive learning
opportunities for students. Many student internships are available through the American
Indian Studies degree program. Students have previously conducted internships at the
following locations:
- Murrell Home
- Spiro Mounds Archaeological Center
- The Three Rivers Museum
- The Five Civilized Tribes Museum
- Creek Nation Gift Shop
- Philbrook Downtown Museum in the Brady Arts District
Students also have opportunities to engage in ethnographic field research with Dr. Kracht. Past research trips include:
- Ethnographic field trips to southwest Oklahoma researching Kiowa culture
- Ethnographic/archaeological field trips to Belize, Central America to research Maya culture
- Ethnographic/archaeological field trip to New Mexico to visit Zuni and Acoma pueblos
Students regularly engage in immersive learning experiences through various courses. In the Cherokee Cultural Heritage class, students attended a workshop at the Cherokee Arts Center where they learned about Cherokee pottery and made a pinch pot.