Crime Scene Investigator II
Date: Feb. 26 - 29, 2024
Time: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at NSU Broken Arrow
Location: Online & NSU Broken Arrow, 3100 E. New Orleans St., Broken Arrow, OK 74014. The first two days are online at your current work location. The second two days are face-to-face at NSU Broken Arrow, Liberal Arts building, room 126.
CLEET Hours: 32 CLEET accredited hours
Course Fee: $150.00 USD
CSI II will consist of the equivalent of two 8-hour days of online learning and two 8-hour days in the classroom for hands on and proficiency testing. The first two days of the course are online. The second two days of the course take place on the NSU Broken Arrow campus from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Learning objectives:
- Body as a crime scene
- Wound recognition
- Fire scene investigation
- Crime scene photography
Brought and Developed by
This CSI Certificate program is brought to you from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation and the Broken Arrow Police Department.
The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) has developed this specialized CSI Certificate Program specifically for current Oklahoma Law Enforcement Officers. OSBI Crime Scene Agents will be instructing this course along with the Broken Arrow Police Department.
Related Certificates
Crime Scene Investigator Certificate