OGET Subareas I. III. and IV/OSAT Test Prep - Constructed Response
This course has been suspended pending updates
Cost: $20 per session
Dates offered: Sessions are offered "on - demand" via pre-recorded videos and links so participants can view them at their convenience.
Time: At your convenience.
Location: Online
Instructor: Dr. Lara Searcy
OGET = Oklahoma General Education (IV. Constructed Response)
OGET= Oklahoma General Education (Subareas I: Reading & Written Communication & III: Information Literacy & Research)
OSAT = Oklahoma Subject Area Test (Constructed Response: Focuses on Elementary Subtest 1 as Exemplar Model)
When you place your order, we have to physically process things, so if you place an order late in the day on a Friday, you might not receive your materials until sometime Monday. We will always strive to get everything to you as quickly as possible. Thank you!