Audition Days
Audition Days
Music auditions for admissions and scholarships for the 2022-2023 academic year will be held on February 17, March 24 (Broken Arrow Campus), April 14, or by appointment. For more information about the auditions, please contact Dr. Jeffery Wall. To register for any of the audition days, please click on the link below.
Audition Registration Tab, still NSU Vocal Choral Studies Page, can we change the
dropdown menu "Which audition day are you registering for," to the following audition
February 12 (Tahlequah campus)
March 24 (Broken Arrow campus)
April 14 (Tahlequah campus)
It is often helpful to schedule a private meeting/lesson with the NSU faculty member who teachers your major instrument (or voice) prior to auditioning. It gives you a chance to introduce yourself to the faculty member, and is an opportunity to experience the teaching style. NSU faculty members are the best source of information in advising you in the audition process.