SLP Leveling Courses
SLP Leveling Courses
Prerequisite Courses for Graduate School
Thank you for your interest in the Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Program at Northeastern State University! The following courses are required before you can start grad school if you have an undergraduate degree in something other than speech pathology (or communication science disorders). This ASHA link describes the very specific requirements that the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association has for coursework that must be taken before you start graduate school.
Our annual deadline to apply for grad school is February 1. We start each new cohort of graduate students in the Summer semester.
The following general education requirements: must earn a C or better grade
- College Algebra
- Statistics (MATH 3513, SOC 3323, PSYC 3553, or BADM 3933)
- Behavioral Science (psychology, criminology, Social Science (anthropology, archeology, economics, geography, political science)
- Biology
- Chemistry or Physics
The following leveling courses must earn a B or better grade:
- SLP 3213 Language Disorders in Children
- or - SLP 4213 Language Disorders in Adolescents - SLP 3223 Clinical Phonetics
- SLP 3363 Anatomy/Physiology of Speech Mechanism
- SLP 3813 Language Development
- SLP 4413 Audiology for Speech-Language Pathology
- SLP 4783 Articulatory and Phonological Disorders
- SLP 4xx3 Aphasia
- 25 hours of Guided Observations* (see below)
*Guided Observation: ASHA requires that undergrad students observe 25 hours of speech therapy sessions before grad school. For every hour of observation, a licensed CCC/SLP who has completed ASHA’s requirements for clinical supervision must spend 15 minutes with you debriefing what you observed. This same supervisor must sign that you completed the observation and debriefing. Details are found here.