Biology Degree
Bachelor of Science in Biology Degree
Biology is the study of living organisms and their interactions. As there are many different ways to study living organisms, there are many fields of study within biology such as anatomy, biochemistry, botany, cell biology, ecology, genetics, microbiology, physiology and zoology. We offer courses in all of these areas, permitting you to select courses that will best suit your interests and career goals.
This is a particularly exciting time in biology. Rapid technical advances are making things possible that were science fiction only a few years ago. Recombinant DNA technology has opened up the field of genetic engineering, and is producing remarkable advances in medical and agricultural science. The ability to sequence entire genomes and to obtain gene expression profiles has led to the merging of biology and computer science in the fields of bioinformatics and genomics. Recent discoveries in the field of ecology indicate that humanity's activities are affecting our planet in ways that might affect it adversely for generations to come. Advances in our understanding of anatomy and physiology give hopes for the development of artificial organs that might benefit many individuals.
With so much rapid change in biology, the career opportunities are excellent. Many of our students go on to pursue further education and higher degrees in biological sciences, dentistry, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry and veterinary medicine. Others enter the job market directly as junior high and high school teachers, laboratory technicians and park rangers.